Search Results | 1973 oil crisis

Your search for "1973 oil crisis" returned 51 results

Quiz: Are you an expert at springing forward and falling back?

Shakespeare cautioned us to "Defer no time, delays have dangerous ends." Does daylight saving time have effects that have escaped our attention? Spend a few minutes with this quiz and see if you're a time bandit or a buffoon.

The Vietnam War Quiz

The Vietnam War claimed millions of lives, spurred worldwide protests and forever changed the lives and government of Vietnamese citizens. Take our Vietnam War quiz to see how much you know about one of the most controversial conflicts in history.

1966-1991 Jensen Interceptor

The 1966-1991 Jensen Interceptor evolved as an independent British performance car. Find out what makes this limited-run collectible auto appealing.

How Operation Plowshare Worked

How to go from a Bible verse to carving canals with nukes in just a few easy steps — almost. Learn how operation plowshare worked at HowStuffWorks.

10 Things We Love to Hate About the '70s and '80s

There were some totally awesome things about the decades that span the 1970s and 1980s. But man, are there things we're glad to leave in the past. Here are 10 of them.

How Cup Noodles Became an Instant Hit in America

You might have survived off ramen noodles in your 20s. Certainly you've had them at some point in your life. But have you ever considered how Cup Noodle made its way to the U.S.?

Try Your Luck and Strike a High Score With the Beverly Hillbillies Quiz!

"Come and listen to my story 'bout a man named Jed ..." Take our quiz on this classic TV comedy from the 1960s. Test your Beverly Hillbillies IQ!

Camaro or Mustang: The Chevy vs. Ford Muscle Quiz

If you had to choose between a Chevy Camaro and a Ford Mustang, do you know which one you'd pick? Could a '65 Mustang outperform a '69 Camaro? Which one had the first Big Block? Buckle up, and let's see what you know about Mustangs and Camaros!

Rarest of the Rare: How Many Limited-Edition Cars Do You Know?

While you may not be able to a Ford these vehicles, you Toyota know them. If you don't maybe you should think about Aston Martin. Find out how much you know about rare cars with this quiz!

How to Buy a Fuel-efficient Car

Buying with fuel economy in mind doesn't require you to own a vehicle you don't want. Find out about buying fuel-efficient cars.

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