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Trig Identities: A Crash Course in Complex Math Concepts

Fundamental trigonometric identities, aka trig identities or trigo identities, are equations involving trigonometric functions that hold true for any value you substitute into their variables.

Understanding Point Slope Form and the Applications in Algebra

Algebra is the branch of mathematics that focuses on formulas, and one of its key concepts is the representation of linear equations, which describe straight lines.

What Is a White Hole? Does the Cosmic Phenomenon Exist?

Black holes have long held the spotlight as celestial objects from which nothing, not even light, can escape. However, theoretical physicists propose a less understood but equally fascinating counterpart: the white hole.

Polygons: Regular vs. Irregular, Convex vs. Concave

Whether you're studying up for a math test, helping your child with homework or just trying to brush up before trivia night, learning the basic ins and outs of polygons will serve you well.

17 Roman Gods and Goddesses Everyone Should Know

Roman gods and goddesses reflected the diverse Roman people who worshipped them. Since Roman civilization was built on top of the ruins of Greek influence in Europe, Northern Africa and the Middle East, Greek mythology became the foundation of ancient Roman religion.

What in the World Are Tonsil Stones?

Those with strong stomachs may have watched the videos making the rounds of people who have tonsil stones. What are tonsil stones you ask? They're smelly, little white globs of who knows what that get built up in the, well, pockets of tonsils. Those with weaker stomachs can skip the videos and head right for the info below. And those with maybe a little tendency toward hypochondria will be glad to know tonsil stones are probably no big deal, even if they're gross.

10 Deep Sea Creatures That Are (Almost) Too Bizarre to Be Real

Far below the ocean's surface, in the dark depths of the deep sea floor ecosystem (about 3,000 feet or 1,000 meters deep), exists an entire world of deep sea creatures that humans rarely glimpse.

What Are Geodes and Where Can You Find Them?

Imagine walking through a dusty, arid landscape when you stumble upon a seemingly ordinary rock. Its rough exterior might not catch the eye, but what lies within surely will. Geodes are one of nature’s most spectacular treasures, offering a glimpse into the geological processes that shape our Earth.

Exploring Celtic Gods, Goddesses and Mythology

There was no singular overarching Celtic religion. As ancient Celts made their homes in widespread regions across Western Europe, they developed different Celtic gods and goddesses to fulfill their spiritual needs.

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