Search Results | southwestern u.s

Your search for "southwestern u.s" returned 97 results

Can You Name All of the Most Important Route 66 Stops?

It's the ultimate road trip for many, but do you know what to expect when you take a ride down Route 66? After this quiz, you'll be ready to take a ride down the Main Street of America!

What Would Your American Name Be?

There's no need to stay awake at night trying to figure out your red, white and blue name. During this quiz, all your dreams can come true. Answer these very American questions, and find out your new name!

The Hardest True or False General Knowledge Quiz You'll Take This Year

Think you are a genius when it comes to general knowledge? See if you can take on 50/50 odds with this HowStuffWorks quiz!

Can You Identify These National Parks?

From Florida's underwater reefs to California's 2,300-year-old forests, celebrate these wild lands by seeing how much you know about some of the biggest and baddest landscapes.

A Portrait of Jimmy Carter, America's Oldest Living President Ever

Jimmy Carter, who turns 98 this year, isn't considered one of America's best presidents. But his legacy after the leaving White House is undeniable.

How Hillary Clinton Works

Hillary Clinton is in the running to become the first female U.S. President. Read about Hillary Clinton and her agenda, voting record and career.

Buffalo Roundup Evokes Images of the Wild West

The annual bison roundup in South Dakota is a spectacle full of cowboys, horses and wild buffalo. HowStuffWorks looks at how and why the event occurs.

Serpent Mound, Ohio: Inside the Archaeological Mystery

The curves of the Serpent Mound, Ohio state's massive and mysterious geological wonder, line up with the sun during equinoxes and solstices.

Tecumseh: The Driving Force Behind the Native American Confederacy

Some consider Shawnee leader Tecumseh to be one of the most remarkable Native Americans in history. He stood not just for the Shawnee. He stood for all Native Americans.

American Geography Quiz

Millions of years ago, America was home to more dinosaurs than any other country. Today, the country is home to more tornadoes than any other country. The land is home to deserts, rain forests, basins, plateaus, mountains and more. Let's see how much you know about American geography.

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