Search Results | israel

Your search for "israel" returned 394 results

How Well Do You Know the Bible Family Tree?

There is no shortage of family connections and struggles in the Bible. How well do you know the family trees of the most influential figures? Find out now with this quiz that's all about family!

Can You Guess Which Biblical Event Came First?

The Bible is like a puzzle with many pieces that make up the big picture of how God relates to humans. But how do the pieces go together? See if you can solve the puzzle with this quiz!

How Much Do You Know About the Life of King Solomon?

He's one of the best known and most controversial kings of the Old Testament, famous for his wealth and wisdom. How much do you know about the life of this Biblical hero?

The Old Testament Quiz

You are about to take the toughest quiz about the Old Testament this side of Canaan! Yes, that's right! Let's see how you fare on this one...

Can You Name These Biblical Mothers?

Who is Adam's wife or Jacob and Esau's mother? If you can name them, then you're one step ahead! Think you know the mothers of the Bible? Take the quiz to prove it!

The Fertile Crescent Truly Was the Cradle of Civilization

A roughly crescent-shaped region encompassing modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Israel, Egypt, and parts of Turkey and Iran, the Fertile Crescent was home to the world's first settled agricultural communities.

Can You Spell These Bible Names Correctly?

Regular names can be very difficult to spell, and the ones from the Bible are no exception. In fact, they are some of the hardest names to get right? Will you defy the odds? Let's find out!

Why Are the Biblical Gog and Magog Considered Sinister?

Throughout history, people have speculated as to who or what Gog and Magog were. Were they two people, one person and his land or two nations?

¿Puedes adivinar el país cuando se te dan los países que lo rodean?

Hay cerca de 200 países en el mundo. La mayoría de ellos comparte frontera con algún otro país. ¿Qué tan bien conoces tu geografía? Averígualo al responder este juego de preguntas.

We'll Give You 3 Cities, You Tell Us What Language They Speak

There are thousands of different languages around the world, but can you identify who speaks them? When it comes to Chinese, Spanish, and English, can you pick which countries speak those languages? What about cities? If we give you three cities, can you tell us what language they speak? Let’s find out!

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