Search Results | us senate

Your search for "us senate" returned 555 results

10 Countries Besides the U.S. That Have Electoral Colleges

Other countries besides the U.S. have electoral college systems. HowStuffWorks looks at some of them.

Can You Fill In the Blanks for This US Constitution Quiz?

The U.S. is a nation built on rights and ideals and ruled by laws, not kings. These immortal elements of America are described in the Constitution of The United States, the document that forms the foundation of the U.S. How well do you know it?

How Well Do You Know the U.S. Constitution?

Nothing less than the blueprint for the American government, the Constitution is an important part of history classes and citizenship tests (and the occasional quiz show!) How well do you know this vital document? Show off your savvy now with our quiz!

Is the U.S. Government Hiding New Proof of Alien Life?

The government's secret Advanced Aviation Threat Identification Program has spent millions researching UFOs and alien life. Are they covering up their findings?

U.S. Farmers Eye Hemp as a New Cash Crop

Congress passed the farm bill with a provision that will legalize hemp farming. HowStuffWorks looks at whether it will be America's next gold rush.

10 Disruptive Technologies You Use Every Day

A disruptive technology is one that's completely changed how we do things. Learn the top 10 disruptive technologies that you use every day.

How Well Do You Know the Amendments to the U.S. Constitution?

The U.S. Constitution is one of the most controversial documents in human history, with different groups reading vastly different meanings into it. Its history is long and storied. How much do you know about it?

How much do you know about the history of the U.S. flag?

The American flag is one of the most recognizable national symbols on Earth. The Red, White and Blue has a long and storied background. How much do you know about the history of the United States flag?

We'll Give You 3 College Basketball Players, You Tell Us the School

The surest past to the NBA is college basketball. Some of the greatest players in basketball history have played for some of the best colleges. But, a number of alma maters are going to surprise you. Let's get the ball rolling on this quiz.

Is This First Lady From Canada or the US?

Knowing your prime ministers from your presidents is only half the battle. Now you'll have to remember some facts about the spouses who supported them. Think you know your first ladies? Let's see if you can prove it on this quiz!

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