Search Results | theories of technology

Your search for "theories of technology" returned 590 results

How the Antikythera Mechanism Worked

Could an ancient, shoebox-size geared device change the way we think about technology's history?

Have we reached peak oil?

Oil is a nonrenewable resource. Have we found all the oil there is to find, or is there more out there somewhere? What's the best way to wean ourselves from our oil dependency?

Can You Answer These Basic Science Questions Everyone Should Know?

Science! It's the basis for nearly everything that sets our age apart. Still, you can't have satellites, Twitter or Netflix without the basics. How well do you know them?

Are we living in a computer simulation?

Computer simulations can be very life-like, but so real that we might be living in one? Find out if we are living in a computer simulation.

Answer These Questions and We'll Match You to the STEM Job That Fits Your Personality

Do you want a job that will be future-proof? Are you considering a job in a STEM field? Do you need expert guidance on which job to pursue? Take this quiz, and we'll tell you which STEM job matches your personality!

Can a planet float on water?

The floating planet theory states that a planet that is light enough should be able to float on water. Learn about the floating planet theory.

No One Knows What Caused a Massive 1908 Explosion in Siberia

Theories surrounding the source of the Tunguska blast that rocked the Siberian region in 1908 abound. But the exact cause is still a mystery.

How LED Light Bulbs Work

LED light bulbs have taken over the market. But what are their pros and cons?

What is antigravity?

Antigravity is the Holy Grail of science discoveries. Learn about antigravity research and the possible uses of antigravity technology.

Afrofuturism: Where Technology, Culture and the Black Experience Meet

Afrofuturism isn't just about placing a Black person in a futuristic landscape. It takes into account the challenges Black people face and allows them to imagine futures of their own making.

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