Search Results | of evergreen trees

Your search for "of evergreen trees" returned 140 results

How Much Do You Know About Victorian Christmas Traditions?

The Victorians knew what they were doing when it came to Christmas time, and they passed on many of their fun traditions to us. Do you celebrate Christmas the Victorian way? Let's see if this quiz is easier for you than finding the glass pickle!

Top 10 Traditional Holiday Decor Items (and Where they Came From)

Holidays are the time of giving, receiving and decorating. Find out the top 10 holiday decor items and where the originated from with this article from

Can You Match the Flower to Its Scientific Name?

Flowers are often just as pretty as their names, but what about the names you don't hear that often -- the scientific ones? Do you think you can match all the flowers you know to their scientific names?

Aromatherapy: Clove

Clove can be used in aromatherapy preparations to soothe sore muscles or to fight infections when applied to the skin. Learn about this essential oil.

Can You Identify These Fragrant Flowers?

Fragrant flowers inspire not only admiration but also evoke a feeling. Are you a flower connoisseur? Do you know your petunia from your heliotrope? Take this quiz and find out just how many blissfully-scented flowers you can identify!

10 Sources for Exotic Fragrances

Exotic fragrances often have roots in natural, sweet-smelling substances. Learn about 10 sources for exotic fragrances.

How Christmas Works

Christmas is celebrated by hundreds of millions of people around the world each year. But what do presents, three wise men and Jesus have to do with each other anyway?

Light 'Em Up for the Holidays: Illuminate us with your knowledge of Christmas lights!

Most everyone looks forward to seeing the colorful sparkle of Christmas lights at the end of every year. But how much do you really know about these seasonal displays? Find out by taking this quiz.

What is Vitamin C?

Vitamin C is a healthy part of any diet. Learn how vitamin C acts as an antioxidant vitamin.

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