Search Results | new york yankees

Your search for "new york yankees" returned 178 results

Can You Name These Members of the Baseball Hall of Fame?

The National Baseball Hall of Fame is the storied structure designed to recount the sport's history and honor the greatest players to step onto the field. How well do you know your baseball legends? Can you match their faces to their names?

The First MLB Player to _____: Can You Identify These Historical MLB Players?

There's something special about being the first person in your profession to accomplish a certain feat. Do you know these MLB players who were the first in their sport? You can find out here!

Can You Recognize These MLB Legends From Their Hall of Fame Plaques?

It takes a rare talent to make it into the Baseball Hall of Fame, but if they do, they get a plaque to signify their importance to the game. Do these players share enough of a likeness with their plaques for you to identify them?

Nobody Can Get a Perfect Score on This Tricky MLB Legends Quiz

Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the world, and with every sport, there are players who stand out among the rest. Will you be able to identify some of these people?

We'll Give You an MLB Team, You Tell Us If They've Ever Won a World Series

If you're an MLB fan, there's no greater glory than watching your favorite team win a World Series. Sadly, that's not the case for every team across the league. Find out if you know which teams hold titles and which teams don't.

Can You Identify the MLB Team If We Change the Colors of Their Logo?

You've probably been wearing one of these logos around for years, but are you familiar enough with the other 29 MLB logos to take a swing at this quiz? Step up to the plate and find out for yourself!

Can You Identify the State by Its Baseball Team?

We all love our major league baseball teams. And many of us are loyal to a team because it's the team of our home state. Can you identify which team belongs to which state?

What's the Biggest TV Size for Homes vs. Stadiums?

As sports franchises try to attract more fans, teams spend millions upgrading their old stadiums and building new ones. The centerpiece in most? A really, really big HDTV.

Can You Identify the MLB Team If We Give You Three of Their Greatest Pitchers Ever?

The success of many MLB teams has been made or broken by the arms of their star pitchers. But just how many of these teams could you identify if we gave you the names of their best pitchers ever? Will you strike out the side or give up a home run? Take on our challenging quiz to find out.

Can You Pass US Geography?

Global positioning systems have nothing on you! This U.S. geography quiz is made for folks like you who dare to click through to take a test about America's new and oldest territories. Conquer this terrain test like the early American settlers carved out maps in their sleep. Scroll on!

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