Search Results | library of congress control number

Your search for "library of congress control number" returned 85 results

11 Inventions That Changed the World as We Know It

Inventing a useful product or process is serious business — turn a great idea into a marketable widget, and you could earn millions of dollars. But that doesn't mean your widget has to be straitlaced and conservative.

What Does it Mean When a Book, Movie or Song Enters the Public Domain?

The reproduction of books, movies and songs is protected by copyright law, but property in the public domain can be used by anyone for free.

How the FBI Works

The FBI is explained in this article. Learn about the FBI.

How Executive Orders Work

Executive orders are directives from the president without input from the legislative or judiciary branches of government. HowStuffWorks explains.

How Music Royalties Work

The last time you bought a CD, did you wonder how much of the sticker price was going to the artist? How does a Platinum-selling musician end up broke? Find out what musicians are actually being paid.

How a Filibuster Works

What exactly is a filibuster and why are they happening more frequently? Read about filibusters at HowStuffWorks.

How Vladimir Lenin Took Russia From Romanov Rule to Communist U.S.S.R.

In a quest to build a socialist country that morphed into a communist society, Vladamir Lenin and the Bolsheviks executed and imprisoned hundreds of thousands, and starved millions more.

How Skywriting Works

Writing a legible message on paper requires a steady hand; writing one in the sky requires a steady everything.

What was the largest protest in history?

What was the largest protest in history? Keep reading to learn about the largest protest in history.

Can You Pass This 1953 Trivia Quiz?

Hey daddy-o, you'll be made in the shade after taking this quiz. If you know what those phrases mean, you should ace it! If not, you have much to learn. Test your knowledge of all things 1953 in this quiz and baby, you'll be the ginchiest!

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