Search Results | gothic rock

Your search for "gothic rock" returned 33 results

Can You Match These Actors to Their 1950s Movies?

Only a major 1950s film buff will know all of these actors! Are you up for the challenge? Warning: Taking this quiz may result in curiosity about a number of classic films you've never seen before.

Can You Identify the Landmark From a Guidebook Description?

Travel broadens our horizons. We're drawn to certain tourist attractions because of what we've read or heard about them. Answer the questions we've cooked up and test your knowledge about the most famous places in the world!

Can You Identify These Landmarks That Were Made During the 1950s?

The 1950s were a time of global transition, as much of Europe worked to rebuild after WWII while the U.S. took advantage of unprecedented economic prosperity. Take our quiz to see if you can name the most famous landmarks of this decade!

Landmarks Trivia Quiz: Level 1

The Eiffel Tower, Statue of Liberty and Mt. Everest are three of the most famous landmarks in the world, but can you locate them on a map? Test your world knowledge and see if you can pass Landmarks Trivia 101.

10 Cool Engineering Tricks the Romans Taught Us

When it came to building or improving things, the ancient Romans really knew their stuff. Which cool engineering tricks did they pass along to us?

Can You Identify All of These European Countries by Just a Map Outline?

So you call yourself a travel buff eh? Well, let's see if you make the cut with the map! From just an outline of the country, can you name your way across Europe? It's time to find out!

Can You Guess Each of These European Countries Using Only Emojis?

The countries of Europe are among the oldest and most diverse in the world. If you’re 🤓 when it comes to history and culture, do you think you can decode the emojis for each of these European countries? Take the quiz and find out!

How Art Cars Work

Art cars use vehicles as blank canvases for artistic expression. Read about art car artists and their works of automobile art.

How Bog Gardens Work

If you're a dedicated gardener which a penchant for exotic plants, it's possible to make a bog garden in your backyard. Learn about bog gardens.

Monster Movies Everyone Should See At Least Once

The monster movie genre never seems to get old. While you may think that every conceivable type of monster movie has been made, it is never long before Hollywood springs a new one on us or reboots one of the classics from the past, as they recently did the new recent King Kong and Godzilla […] The post Monster Movies Everyone Should See At Least Once appeared first on Goliath.

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