Search Results | archimedes

Your search for "archimedes" returned 32 results

How Cement Mixers Work

Few are unfamiliar with the mixer trucks that transport concrete from the factory to the construction site. How do they keep that stuff from hardening while they move?

Who invented the elevator?

Like so many other modern conveniences that we take for granted, the history of the elevator is more complicated than it may seem at first glance. Believe it or not, there's some controversy over who invented this commonplace contraption.

How Many Advanced Mathematical Symbols Do You Remember?

We all know our pluses and minuses, but how about the symbols for population mean and the golden ratio? What about the Euler-Mascheroni constant and radians? If you know your advanced math symbols, take the quiz and show your stuff!

Do You Know the Names of These Disney Love Interests?

True love and happily ever after may seem a bit silly at times, but Disney makes it work time and time again. Let's see if you can correctly name all of these Disney love interests!

Can You Name All of These Disney Characters From the ’90s?

Do you wish it were the '90s again? It's a tale as old as time! Relive those years by naming your favorite '90s Disney characters in this challenging quiz. Hakuna matata!

10 Times Humanity Found the Answer (and Then Forgot)

Could humanity be even farther ahead if we hadn't forgotten what we'd learned centuries ago? Learn about 10 times we forgot answers at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Name These Disney Movies If We Give You Three Random Characters?

Woody and Baloo and Mufasa ... Oh my! Disney fans, do you have what it takes to ace this quiz? Hint: what it takes is a healthy obsession with Disney characters.

Can You Match the Farm Equipment to Its Function?

Farming has come a long way since the days of pulling a plow behind an ox. Modern farming is chock full of more specialized equipment than you can shake a rake at. How much do you know? Hop on the tractor and let's find out!

10 Must-have Tools for Any Workshop

We love our power drill, but for some jobs, nothing beats a good old hand tool. What are some of the must-haves for your toolbox?

How Greek Traditions Work

Many Greek traditions first began hundreds or thousands of years ago. Read about Greek traditions at HowStuffWorks.

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