Search Results | satellite

Your search for "satellite" returned 733 results

Constellations of Internet Satellites Will Beam Broadband Everywhere

Lots and lots of satellites could vastly expand the world's access to broadband coverage. Learn more at HowStuffWorks.

The Most Detailed 3-D Sky Map Ever of the Galaxy's 100 Billion Stars

The ESA Gaia satellite observatory created a billion-star 3-D map of the Milky Way. Learn more about astronomy in this HowStuffWorks Now article.

How does satellite Internet operate?

How do you access the Internet other than dial-up if you live too far from a phone company office for DSL and there is no cable TV on your street?

What is a keyhole satellite and what can it really spy on?

On a television drama last week, the plot involved photos taken of a Russian missile silo, and the characters mentioned a "keyhole satellite." What is a keyhole satellite and what can it really spy on?

Do Smartphones Really Charge Faster in Airplane Mode?

Smartphones stop talking to satellites and cell phone networks when put in airplane mode. Does that make them charge fatster?

How the Moon Works

The moon is the Earth's only natural satellite and the closest celestial object. Learn about the moon and some of the theories about the moon's origin.

How Many Moons Does Saturn Have?

In recent years, Saturn has overtaken Jupiter as the planet with the most satellites in our solar system. How many moons does Saturn have?

How Coronavirus Has Helped to Clear the Air

Satellite data shows just how much air quality has improved during the coronavirus crisis, from China, India, Italy and beyond.

10 Nightmare Scenarios From the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things will be a connected world stretching from your kitchen blender to the satellites overhead. Learn how the IoT could go wrong.

The Caracal's Got Super Jumping Game and Satellite Dish Ears

Caracals have really cool ears and can also jump 10 feet in the air from a seated position.

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