Search Results | polar climate

Your search for "polar climate" returned 109 results

Are the Polar Ice Caps Melting Faster Than We Thought?

The polar ice caps have been in the news recently because of their alleged shrinking due to global warming. How much would the oceans rise if the ice caps melted completely?

Sea Spiders Breathe Through Pores in Their Legs

Sea spiders breathe through tiny pores in their shells. Take a look at these strange creatures with HowStuffWorks.

How Cognitive Dissonance Affects Us in Crazy Political Times

Americans are struggling to maintain their core values in this politically polarized time. Learn how cognitive dissonance affects us at HowStuffWorks.

How can two seemingly unrelated species that live in isolation from each other evolve into identical forms?

Parallel evolution leads two seemingly unrelated species living in isolation from each other to evolve into identical forms. How? Learn about parallel evolution.

10 Largest Deserts in the World

If you think the largest desert in the world is hot and sandy, think again. These 10 deserts spanning the globe are massive, but they're not all sunbaked.

The Stratosphere Is Home to Earth's Ozone Layer

The stratosphere is one of Earth's five atmospheric layers that also includes the troposphere, mesosphere, thermosphere and exosphere.

How Global Warming Works

Global warming is becoming an increasingly important issue. Find out what causes global warming and learn how we can decrease the effects of global warming.

Atlantic Ocean Currents Weakening, Near Verge of Collapse, Study Says

The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation, or AMOC, plays an essential role in regulating ocean temperatures, but it looks as if it may be collapsing. What happens next?

How Eco-anxiety Works

Eco-anxiety is a chronic concern over environmental issues. Learn about eco-anxiety a treatments for eco-anxiety.

Can You Name These Adorable Fluffy Animals?

Lions and tigers and bears ... oh, aww! Are you a fluffy animal fanatic? A lover of all things cute and cuddly? Then take the challenge and find out if you have what it takes to name all 40 of these fluffy creatures!

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