Search Results | mississippi in the american civil war

Your search for "mississippi in the american civil war" returned 101 results

Can You Score 27/35 On This Difficult American History Quiz?

American history can be both intriguing and complicated at the same time. How well do you know your American history? Take this difficult quiz and find out!

You Know You're American If You Get 30/35 on This Quiz

Are you a true American? If you pass this quiz, we will assume that you eat apple pie for breakfast, Babe Ruth is your idol and you drive a Ford truck. Okay, those are stereotypes, but they're great ones!

How Much Do You Know About the American Frontier?

You'll grow ever so curious with each amazing fact you discover on this American expansion quiz. The sweet land of liberty went through some rough patches during its birth. Learn a few of the more sensational events that made America so splendid!

10 Food-based Traditions from the American South

Food and the American south go hand-in-hand. Check out 10 food-based traditions from the American south at HowStuffWorks.

Can You Guess Which of These Two American Cities Is Furthest North?

From Florida to Maine or California to Alaska, the United States is a vast country with plenty of interesting cities to explore. But do you know which cities are located north or south of others? Take a trip through this quiz to find out!

Can You Get More Than 11 Right on This Difficult American Geography Quiz?

You won't only need to know the longest river in America, but you might need to know exactly how many U.S. states it touches. Yes! This American geography test is that deep. Now is your time to prove you are up to the challenge!

How the Battle of Gettysburg Worked

The Battle of Gettysburg is the most famous battle of the Civil War. Learn about the Battle of Gettysburg and the events leading to Gettysburg.

Why Emmett Till's Murder Shook the Conscience of the U.S.

What was it about Emmett Till's kidnapping and lynching (among the thousands of lynchings after the Civil War) that made the world stand up and take notice?

Kennedy-Johnson Era

The Kennedy-Johnson era is an important aspect of modern American history. Learn more about the Kennedy-Johnson era at HowStuffWorks.

In Honor of Martin Luther King Jr.

The national American holiday honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. falls on the third Monday in January. Learn about the life and work of this legendary civil rights activist.

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