Search Results | joseph stalin

Your search for "joseph stalin" returned 62 results

How Well Do You Know the Battle of Stalingrad?

In the annals of human warfare, there was nothing quite like World War II. And within World War II, there was no battle quite like the Battle of Stalingrad, where the Nazis and Soviets squared off in an epic confrontation. How much do you know about the desperation and starvation of the Battle of Stalingrad?

Inside the CIA's Treasure Trove of bin Laden Files

The CIA's 470,000 files belonging to Osama bin Laden offer a window into his final years. Behind the Bastards looks at some of the most curious.

Did Nikita Khrushchev Really Bang His Shoe in Defiance at the U.N.?

Ask many what they know about the man who succeeded Stalin and ruled the Soviet Union for a decade, and they'll tell you it's the shoe.

Do You Remember All of the Events in “We Didn't Start the Fire?”

Billy Joel sure did lay down some heat with "We Didn't Start the Fire," spitting out over 100 events between 1949 and 1989. Now, see how much heat you can handle by taking this quiz on those events.

Can You Pass This 1953 Trivia Quiz?

Hey daddy-o, you'll be made in the shade after taking this quiz. If you know what those phrases mean, you should ace it! If not, you have much to learn. Test your knowledge of all things 1953 in this quiz and baby, you'll be the ginchiest!

Can You Score 27/35 On This Difficult WWII Quiz?

War is terrible but it's important that we remember the past, no matter how horrible. Why? Well, many brave men and women didn't give their lives for nothing, did they? But how much do you know about the greatest ever conflict?

Why Was the WWII Battle of Stalingrad So Deadly?

The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the bloodiest in all of World War II. More Soviet troops died there than did American soldiers in the entire war. What made this battle so deadly?

Nazi Germany Surrenders: February 1945-May 1945

World War II ended in 1945 with Nazi Germany and Japan being defeated. Follow the events of World War II and the surrender of Nazi Germany and Japan.

Can You Name All of These WWII Political Figures From an Image?

When it comes to the ins and outs of WWII, there's no way you're staying out of the politics of it all. Instead, see how well you actually know the political landscape by naming these political figures.

Was Countess Elizabeth Bathory the World's Most Prolific Serial Killer?

Prolific serial killers are reigned in by some specific parameters. Learn what those are and who ranks as the world's most prolific serial killers.

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