Search Results | hydrogen balloon

Your search for "hydrogen balloon" returned 30 results

Can You Pass This Periodic Table Trivia Quiz?

Let's take a trip back to high school chemistry class! Do you remember all those fun things you were taught about the periodic table? Jog your memory with this quiz, and we'll tell you how much knowledge your big brain managed to retain.

How Rocket Engines Work

Rocket engines harness the energy to get a spaceship off the ground. Learn about solid-fuel rocket engines, liquid-propellant rockets and the future of rocket engines.

How Fire Works

Few things have done as much harm to humanity as fire, and few things have done as much good. Find out where fire comes from and see why it behaves the way it does. The answers might surprise you!

How the Periodic Table Works

The periodic table currently organizes more than 100 named elements and several unnamed ones. Learn about the periodic table.

Behind the X Prize

We know who won – top-runner SpaceShipOne. We know what the team receives for that accomplishment: $10 million and an obscenely gigantic trophy. But what about the story behind the contest? Learn about the rules, restrictions, red tape, test crashes, successful launches and the technological innovations that may get you into sub-orbit sooner than you think.

What if Earth Lost Gravity for Five Seconds?

Sans gravity, would we all just bounce up and down like astronauts on the moon? No. It would look a little more like a Michael Bay movie.

Understanding Sound Waves and How They Work

When sound waves strike the ear, these waves produce the sensation of sound. Let's take a look at how sound waves work.

10 Insane Disguises That Actually Worked

We're not talking about one of those laughable get-ups that celebs don when they want to go incognito for a latte. Nope, we're talking elaborate disguises -- from operatic to scientific.

How the Air Car Works

The air car has finally moved from dream to reality. Learn how the air car uses compressed air for low-to-zero emissisons power.

10 Wacky Forms of Alternative Energy

Wacky forms of alternative energy include using human energy as power and bugs that make fuel. Learn about the wacky forms of alternative energy.

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