Search Results | PETS

Your search for "PETS" returned 2,130 results

Pet Activities

Pet activities for kids brings kids closer to their pets and teaches little ones how to be responsible. Learn more about pet activities for kids.

How Underground Pet Fences Work

Want to keep your dog out of the neighbor's yard but feeling guilty pulling out a leash? You might consider an underground or wireless pet fence. Learn how these fascinating systems work and why this specialized fencing industry is booming.

The Ultimate Pet Sitters Quiz

Leaving your pet at home while you are traveling saves you the stress of dragging it along. Take this quiz to learn more about hiring a pet sitter.

Ch-Ch-Ch-Chia! You Know the Jingle, Now Hear the Chia Pet Story

These quirky clay figurines sprout 'hair' seemingly overnight. But what is it that has made the Chia Pet an international sensation for 40 years?

Getting a Pet Rabbit? 4 Things to Know First

Rabbits can make great pets but require some special knowledge and care. HowStuffWorks looks at some of the challenges of owning a bunny.

What Are the World's Smartest Pets and Animals?

If you think dog and cats are the world's smartest pets, you're right. But there are others too. Which smart animals top the list?

From Servals to Pythons: The Exotic Pets Quiz

Lots of people have cats and dogs, but a few adventurous pet owners crave something a little less common. Do you prefer a raccoon to a retriever or a squirrel to a Siamese cat? If so, test your knowledge with this quiz.

Is It OK to Kiss Your Pets on the Mouth?

Some love to do it; others find it gross. But is there a health reason not to kiss your furry friends?

Lifelike Robo Pets Help Seniors Combat Loneliness

Robotic companion animals have been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and antipsychotic drug use among older people, especially those with with dementia.

Pet-Friendly Restaurants Guide

Pet-friendly restaurants have grown in popularity over the years. Learn more about pet-friendly restaurants at Animal Planet.

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