Search Results | retirement communities

Your search for "retirement communities" returned 360 results

What are green communities?

Green communities do everything they can to limit their footprint on the environment. Find out what you can do to make green communities.

What's the Difference Between Socialism and Communism?

They're often mentioned in the same breath, but not every socialist is a communist and not every communist or socialist country operates in the same way.

How Retired Senior Volunteer Programs Work

Senior volunteer programs are beneficial to both seniors and those they help. Learn all about senior volunteer programs at HowStuffWorks.

Warding Off the ‘Retirement Curse’

HowStuffWorks finds out why many Americans decline mentally and physically after retirement and how to stop it.

Top 5 Retirement Activities for Men

These retirement activities for men provide ideas on fun and beneficial things to do in the senior years. See five retirement activities for men to get started.

Top 5 Retirement Activities for Women

These five retirement activities for women and help provide ideas on fun and beneficial things to do in the senior years. Visit HowStuffWorks to view retirement activities for women to get started.

10 Community Event Ideas

Community events are a great way to get to know you neighbors. Take a look at these 10 community event ideas to create some neighborly spirit.

Top 10 Tips for Adjusting to Retirement

Adjusting to retirement can be much easier if you take a look at these top 10 tips for adjusting to retirement. See how you can adjust to retirement.

10 Jobs for Retired Doctors

What are some jobs for retired doctors? Learn about 5 Jobs for Retired Doctors at HowStuffWorks.

10 Jobs for Retired Couples

What are some jobs for retired couples? Learn about 10 Jobs for Retired Couples at HowStuffWorks.

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