Search Results | michigan state capitol

Your search for "michigan state capitol" returned 25 results

What exactly is a right-to-work state?

What exactly is a right-to-work state? Find out about the controversial laws that constitute a right-to-work state.

How Do New States Become Part of the U.S.?

Candidates for the "51st state" include Puerto Rico, Guam and Washington, D.C. How likely is this to happen for any of them, and how did the U.S. get the 50 it already has?

Can You Match the Capital City to the Correct US State?

From sea to shining sea to Alaska and Hawaii, every state has a capital city. Find out how familiar you are with their locations! Can you match 35 out of the 50?

How Many State Capitals Do You Know?

We'd love TOPEKA your interest in geography with this quiz. If you don't pass, don't get MADison about it, just show us what JUNEAU about all 50 states.

10 U.S. States With the Lowest Cost of Living

U.S. states with the lowest cost of living are attractive to many people. Visit HowStuffWorks to find the 10 U.S. states with the lowest cost of living.

Can You Match the National Park to the U.S. State?

There's so much more to America than fascinating buildings and elaborate cityscapes. This U.S. national parks quiz showcases nature's outstanding design achievements. Prepare to be wowed by stunning facts and photos!

Do You Know What State These Christmas Traditions Are From?

Santa Claus, Christmas trees, gift giving ... most yuletide traditions are familiar around the country. But there are some pretty peculiar ones that you'll only find in particular states. Scroll down to test your knowledge!

Can You Name the Capitals of All These States If We Scramble the Letters?

In what capital city will you find the Johnson Victrola Museum? Did the City of Honolulu steamship depart from San Francisco or Los Angeles during the Roaring '20s? Figure out some capital-city questions, then figure out the answers by unscrambling letters. Have a blast at it!

Can You Name the State If We Give You Two of Its Professional Sports Teams?

There are three times as many pro sports teams in North America than there are states, but some states don't even have a pro sports team, and other states have close to 20! Some places — like Washington, D.C. — aren't even states but have pro sports teams. We'll give you two teams and you give us the state. Think you can do it?

From Alabama to Wyoming, Can You Name Every Capital?

Are you smarter than a sixth-grade geography student? If you can name all 50 state capitals, you will have earned yourself a gold star! Do you think you can do it, or has it been too long since you tried? See how well you do!

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