Search Results | history of california

Your search for "history of california" returned 1,291 results

How Much Do You Know About California History?

The sunny West Coast of the United States has a rich and storied history. Test your knowledge of California history with this fun quiz. How many questions can you get right?

Uncovering the Rare Occurrence of Hurricane California

California Hurricane: Exploring the Rare Phenomenon and Potential Impacts. Learn about the history, preparation, and coastal vulnerability.

How California's Power Crisis Works

Another series of rolling blackouts are hitting California. Learn why this is happening and how it affects you.

5 Events in Hispanic History You Never Learned in School

Hispanics have contributed to American history since Spanish explorer Christopher Columbus stepped foot in the New World. Here are five events to know.

UFO History

Modern UFO history began with the 1947 UFO sighting by pilot Kenneth Arnold. Learn the history of UFOs from ancient times to the mid-20th century.

From Ancient Greece to 'Tiger King': The Hilarious History of the Mullet

From ancient Greek spearman to Mr. Exotic, America's most notorious big cat owner, the mullet seems destined to stick around and around.

Sticks, Stones and Knucklebones: The History of Dice

Whether bone or stone, plastic or fuzz, dice have been rolled by people looking for a little luck in civilizations throughout recorded history.

5 Things About Asian American History They Don't Teach in School

Asian Americans continue to challenge injustice, while mainstream narratives fail to address their history and struggles. Here are five facts to know.

The Humble History of Pumpkin Pie

It's a pie. Filled with squash. Who in the world decided that was a good idea? HowStuffWorks slices and dices the history of the pumpkin pie.

History of Insulin

Before insulin was available, there were few treatment options for diabetics. Discover the history of this hormone, and how it is produced today.

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