Search Results | gulf coast

Your search for "gulf coast" returned 187 results

How the U.S. Coast Guard Works

Unique among the U.S. armed forces, the Coast Guard is perpetually on active duty, entrusted with lots responsibilities and chronically underfunded. Learn about the U.S. Coast Guard.

Could You Live on the East Coast?

Two of the hottest spots on the U.S. sociopolitical heatmap are on the East Coast. The East Coast is unlike any other place in the world. Could you hack it there?

Uncovering the Aftermath of Hurricane Katrina - 8 Years Later

Explore the impact of Hurricane Katrina. Understand its devastation and aftermath. Learn about the history of Hurricane Katrina today.

Unveiling the Aftermath of Hurricane Ida in 2023

Explore the impact of Hurricane Ida. Understand its path and aftermath. Learn about the history of Hurricane Ida today.

How the American Red Cross Works

After Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States, most of us saw what the Red Cross can do -- and what it cannot do. But the Katrina disaster isn't the first sign of conflict in the ranks of this humanitarian organization. Learn about the functions and history of the American Red Cross.

How Long Will the US Oil Reserves Last?

The United States has emergency crude oil stored in its Strategic Petroleum Reserve that can be tapped only under certain terms and usually only by the president. So how much is in the reserve and how long can it last?

Should we be worried about the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico?

The Dead Zone is a vast area off the Gulf of Mexico, larger than several U.S. States, that is deadly to marine life. Learn more about the Dead Zone.

15 Worst Hurricanes of All Time

The Americas have been hit with some major hurricanes throughout the decades. But which were the worst ones in history?

Fact or Fiction: Raw Oysters Are Safe to Eat Every Month of the Year

HowStuffWorks looks at if there's any truth behind the old wive's tale that you can't eat oysters in months without the letter 'R.'

How to Protect Your Property from a Storm Surge

The deadliest aspect of a hurricane is the storm surge. So is there any way to protect your property from this powerful force?

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