Search Results | germans from russia

Your search for "germans from russia" returned 239 results

The Vladimir Putin Quiz: Bare-Chested Champion of Russia

As he's shown the world, Vladimir Putin has very little chest hair but piles of determination to lead Russia, no matter the price. He wrestles wild animals and political opponents. How much do you know about Putin?

10 Absurd Superstitions From Around The World

Everyone knows that breaking a mirror gives you seven years of bad luck, and that if you step on a crack you’ll break your mother’s back. It’s easy enough to avoid a superstitious catastrophe when you’re at home and know all about the culture and folklore, but what about when you’re outside your native country? If […] The post 10 Absurd Superstitions From Around The World appeared first on Goliath.

Can You Identify These Military Weapons From WWII?

Get technical with the arms for this military quiz. We show you images of World War II weaponry that you get to ID. Celebrate your knowledge of lethal contraptions produced during the war that bested all other wars before it. Your Second World War ordnance knowledge is needed now!

Name These Christmas Traditions From Around the World

It's the most wonderful quiz of the year! There'll be king cakes a-flowing and eggnog for cheer! We can't promise thousands of floating lanterns if you pass this quiz, but a gold star on top.

10 Traditional Cakes from Around the World

These traditional cakes from around the world will get your taste buds craving something sweet. Check out 10 traditional cakes from around the world.

Can You Name the European Country From Three Clues?

We give you just three hints so you can name the right European country. Hint number four is: the countries are all on the European continent. Now, see if that info helps much when you take this super-challenging, super-fun quiz!

Can You Name These Countries From Their Outlines?

It's difficult to tell which country is which using an unlabeled map, and ever more so when all you have to work with is the country's outline. Are you one of the 5% who can get it done?

10 Nightmare Scenarios From the Internet of Things

The Internet of Things will be a connected world stretching from your kitchen blender to the satellites overhead. Learn how the IoT could go wrong.

Do You Recognize All These Cryptids From A Description?

Calling all cryptozoologists! You know what a Yeti is, but can you identify a yeren? You're familiar with Bigfoot, but what about the buru? If you want to test your knowledge of legendary cryptids, you've got to take this quiz!

Can You Guess the Country These Foods Came From?

Without leaving your desk, we're going to take a culinary trip around the world! You should prepare yourself to be hungry while you tell us where these dishes are from. Can you name as many as you think you can?

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