Search Results | fellow of the royal society

Your search for "fellow of the royal society" returned 34 results

Can You Name These British Politicians if We Scramble Their Names?

Like "The Polygon" in "The Times," many a politician's name becomes unrecognizable when mangled into an anagram. Could you recognize the names of British politicians once put through an alphabetical meat grinder?

How Well Do You Know These Top British Scientists and Inventors?

They transformed the world by creating new ideas, recreating old ones or uncovering the secrets of the universe. Can you identify some of the leading voices among them?

Can You Name Which Literary Classic These Characters Are From?

Bookworms, this one's for you! With so many great works of literature, we're sure you can name many memorable characters that came out of these masterpieces. Can you easily identify these fictional characters? Answer our questions to see!

How do meerkat groups choose a dominant female?

A meerkat dominant female is the mastermind behind reproduction in her mob. Read about the meerkat dominant female and her alpha female behavior.

Earth's 20 Quadrillion Ants Outweigh All Wild Birds and Mammals, Combined

Estimating ant numbers and mass provides an important baseline from which to monitor ant populations amid worrying environmental changes.

Could Earth Ever Get a New Ocean?

To say geologic time moves at a snail's pace is an insult to snails. Our planet's continents are always in flux: Could a new ocean grow amid those incredibly slow changes?

10 Cool Things You Didn't Know About Stephen Hawking

He was born exactly 300 years after Galileo died. He never won a Nobel Prize, although he was awarded a guest spot on “The Simpsons.” What else do you know (or not know) about this acclaimed physicist?

Are lefties better at sports?

There are no left-handed sports exactly, but lefties seem to have an advantage in some sports. Learn which sports might be called left-handed sports.

9 War Photographers and Their Images That Moved Millions

Photographers have been risking their lives since the Civil War to bring back images from the front lines. Not just to document history, but to show the uncensored, gritty version of battle to those of us who never have to face danger.

How Isaac Newton Worked

Isaac Newton is one of the most important contributors to the field of science. Learn about the life of Isaac Newton.

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