Search Results | burundi

Your search for "burundi" returned 19 results

Can You Name the Countries for These Mostly Green Flags?

The stars and stripes. The maple leaf. The red ensign. The gold and green. Every country has a flag and every flag has a meaning. Do you think you can ID all these countries that have green flags? Run this quiz up the flagpole, and see who salutes!

Can You Pass This Tricky General Knowledge Quiz?

So you think you are a general knowledge whiz, do you? Well, this might just be the quiz to put you in your place! Do you think you can overcome the odds?

All 54 African Countries, Including Disputed Territories

The African continent is home to a remarkable array of cultures, landscapes and histories. This vast land comprises 54 recognized African countries, each with its own distinct identity. Here, we'll explore the countries of Africa, divided into the key regions: North Africa, West Africa, Central Africa, East Africa and Southern Africa.

If You Know Where 17/24 of These Obscure Countries Are, You’re a Geography Whiz

If you have a BrunEI for tiny countries that don't show up on most maps ANDORra you consider yourself a geography expert, click here to see if you have what it takes to travel the world.

Do You Know Which Religion Is Most Commonly Practiced in These Countries?

There are about 195 different countries in the world. They all have their own cultures and customs and, of course, religious diversity. But who believes what? If you think you know your world religions, grab your globe and prove your faith!

Colombia, Not Finland, May Be the Happiest Country in the World

The Scandinavian countries tend to come out on top in the World Happiness Report. But the report doesn't actually ask participants if they're happy. When that question is included, the country rankings are quite different.

10 Countries Besides the U.S. That Have Electoral Colleges

Other countries besides the U.S. have electoral college systems. HowStuffWorks looks at some of them.

The 9 Longest Rivers in the World: From the Nile to the Congo

When it comes to rivers, longest doesn't necessarily mean biggest, and length can be difficult to determine, so the top spot will always be debated.

What Is a Coup D'Etat, and Is the U.S. 'Coup-proof'?

Experts say the U.S. government is designed so a coup d'état would be highly unlikely ever to occur. But deep political polarization can precipitate one, so does that mean a coup is marginally more possible?

How Deep Is the Deepest Lake in the World?

You could stack the Eiffel Tower, the Washington Monument and the Statue of Liberty in Crater Lake, the deepest lake in the U.S. But, do you know what the deepest lake in the world is?

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