Search Results | applied science

Your search for "applied science" returned 1,062 results

How Applying to Grad School Works

Applying to grad school takes careful planning and preparation. Learn about applying to grad school.

How can studies on rats apply to humans?

Rats! They're just like family. Evolutionarily, anyway. So when it comes to research and biomedical study, what can they do for us?

Green Science Pictures

This green science image gallery shows eco-friendly applications as they apply to scientific disciplines. Take a look at these green science pictures.

What Field of Science Are You?

Human curiosity has lead to the branches of science we use to understand the world. The same impulses that lead us from the trees to walk on our hind legs are the same impulses that lead us to explore space, split the atom, and understand our own bodies. What field of science are you?

Top 5 Science-borne Superpowers

Since the dawn of cartoons and comic books, kids have imagined themselves endowed with superpowers. What extraordinary abilities are scientists working to bring to you right now?

How Donating Your Body to Science Works

There's a great need for people to donate their bodies to science but not many people think about doing it. What happens to your body after you make that decision?

Easy Outdoor Science Experiments For Kids

Easy outdoor science experiments for kids include fun ways to discover facts about the outdoors. Learn easy outdoor science experiments for kids.

Easy Outdoor Science Activities For Kids

Easy outdoor science activities for kids are simple projects that introduce scientific ideas. Explore with easy outdoor science activities for kids.

Can You Match These Words to the Right Branch of Science?

Being good at science takes a special kind of person. There are so many formulas to remember. If you're more creative, science in practice might be very difficult. However, most people have at least a basic knowledge of science. Think you can get these questions right? Take this quiz to find out!

Science Projects for Kids: Laws of Gravity and Motion

Test Sir Isaac Newton's laws of gravity and motion with science projects. Learn how to make science projects for kids: laws of gravity and motion.

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