Search Results | antibiotic

Your search for "antibiotic" returned 506 results

Can Antibiotics Affect Menstruation?

Menstrual irregularities aren't uncommon when you're taking antibiotics. The culprit may not be the drugs.

Can you take ibuprofen with antibiotics?

Is taking ibuprofen with antibiotics safe? Mixing medications can be tricky. Read on to learn about ibuprofen and antibiotics.

Can Antibiotics Make You Feel Fatigued?

Do antibiotics cause fatigue? Learn about antibiotic side effects and fatigue at HowStuffWorks.

What Happens if You Miss a Dose of Antibiotics?

If you miss a dose of antibiotics, will it interfere with your treatment? Learn about antibiotic doses at HowStuffWorks.

What are broad-spectrum antibiotics?

Broad-spectrum antibiotics can help treat an illness quickly if time is of the essence. Learn about the pros and cons of broad-spectrum antibiotics.

Is mixing antibiotics dangerous?

A study found that use two antibiotics decreased their effectiveness much more than using just one. Find out why.

Do antibiotics interact with dairy?

Some medications are high-maintenance about what foods you pair them with. And milk can be one of them.

Can antibiotics damage your eyes?

Are antibiotics bad for your eyes? Find out if antibiotics damage your vision.

10 Foods That Contain Antibiotics

Some foods are naturally antibiotic; others have antibiotics thrust upon them. Here are 10 foods that contain antibiotics at HowStuffWorks.

10 Weirdest Sources for Antibiotics

Many lifesaving antibiotics are discovered in some pretty nasty places. Here are the 10 weirdest sources for antibiotics at HowStuffWorks.

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